Call for Applications: HI-AWARE Academy for Doctoral Students
Call for Applications: HI-AWARE Academy for Doctoral Students
Dear Friends,
Dear Friends,
The Himalayan Adaptation, Water and Resilience Research (HI-AWARE), and the Himalayan University Consortium is happy to announce the call for applications for Doctoral Students to be part of the HI-AWARE Academy. The ‘HI-AWARE Academy for Doctoral Students’ is a training programme which aims to create an interdisciplinary network of PhD students and senior scholars in ‘Water and Adaptation Studies’ in the South Asian region
Only students from Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Pakistan are eligible to apply. Other nationalities will be considered if their focus is on south Asia but preference will be given to students from the countries mentioned above. Special preference will be given to women students. There are 8 seats available for South Asian students. The details of the call is given below and it could found here as well.
Please send the application electronically by 15 October, 2016 at Selected candidates will be notified by 30 October 2016. In case of problems in submitting the form, please write to
Please feel free to share this information among institutions and individuals who may be interested to be associated with the Academy.
Thank you